First increase in Island Allowance in 20 years

inis mor sewage

Senator Sean Kyne has welcomed the first increase in the Island Allowance in twenty years, with the allowance set to increase by €7.30 to €20 per week from 1 January.

The announcement was made by Minister Heather Humphreys to increase the allowance to €20 – an increase which which Senator Kyne, who was previously Minister for the Islands, had requested.

Speaking in the Seanad, Senator Kyne said that Island life has higher associated costs and that this increase in the allowance will help with the costs of living on our offshore Islands.

“It is clear in her role as Minister for Social Protection and Islands that Minister Humphreys recognised the challenges on our offshore islands and was able to assist with this 33% increase,” he said.

The allowance is payable to individuals over 66 years of age and in receipt of one of the following payments including State Pension, Blind and Invalidity Pension, Widows, Widowers and Surviving Civil Partner Pension, Carers Allowance, One Parent Family.