Fifty-eight volunteers meet to discuss plans for beautiful new river walk in Gort


Fifty-eight volunteers came together last weekend to work towards the development of a River Walk for Gort.

Volunteers who cleared patches of briars rediscovered an old holy well, St Manchan’s, with cut-stone steps, which is will be an amazing part of the new Walk.

The new River Walk will also include 1,000 daffodils and locals and tourists will be able to walk along 95% of it.

East Galway TD welcomed the progress made by the groups at the meeting, and said that the proposed walkway is especially welcome given recent media reports outlining the negative effects of not being active.

“I note that in a recent media report, a physiotherapist at a weight management clinic has stated that people in their 40s with weight issues have the same reduced mobility as older citizens and can struggle to cross the road at traffic lights,” said Minister Cannon.

“Among the greatest concerns are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.

“Reports such as this are why we have to look to more ways to create outdoor amenities for communities in their own backyard, as it were, and I am delighted to see the success of last weekend`s venture in Gort.”

The Fine Gael TD commended all involved in the project which he says ‘will provide a new outlet for local leisure walkers, local tourism objectives and recreational fishing’.