Farmers urged to be vigilant after sheep killed in dog attack

Galway daily news sheep killed in serious animal attacks

Galway County Council is liaising with Gardaí and urging farmers to be vigilant after an attack on sheep by multiple dogs over the weekend.

A number of farmers in the area of Lawrencetown and Clontuskert were affected by the livestock attack on Sunday evening in which a sheep was killed.

“Two dogs involved in the attack were not caught and we are asking that farmers in the area be particularly vigilant against the threat of dog attacks on livestock,” the council said on facebook.

“It is the responsibility of dog owners under the Control of Dogs Act, to ensure that their dogs are under effective control at all times.”

“Attacks on sheep can result in economic losses to the farmer, for which the dog owner can be held liable under the Control of Dogs Act.”

If anyone sees an incident of sheep worrying or damage to livestock, they are urged to report it to the county council at 091-509510 or by emailing