Family homelessness rising in the west of Ireland

galway daily news Over 130 children in emergency accommodation in Galway City

The number of homeless families in the west of Ireland has gone up in the latest government report for October.

There were 101 families living in homelessness last month in Galway, Mayo, and Roscommon date from the Department of Housing shows.

This includes 220 children, up from 95 families with 209 children the previous month.

Of the families experiencing homelessness in the west of Ireland, 59 are single parent families, two more than in September.

October also 250 adults in emergency accommodation in Galway alone, an increase of two people month on month.

Nationwide there were 7,917 homeless adults in October, a spike of almost 300 people in the space of just a month.

There were 1,601 families living in emergency accommodation, an increase of 69 on the previous month.