Exciting new project ‘greens’ the Rocky Road in Westside

galway daily news westside green rocky road project

Galway City Council has partnered with local residents and young people to ‘green’ the Rocky Road in Westside, transforming it into a vibrant, playful and nature-friendly space for everyone in the community to enjoy.

The Council supplied planters and its Parks staff helped local residents and young people plant flowers, fruit trees, strawberry bushes and even cabbage plants.

Locals were also involved in painting vibrant murals along the laneway with the help of talented professional artist Lukasz Kryzwon.

“As far as we are aware, the ‘Greening of the laneways’ has not been done before in Ireland,” said Tiarnan McCusker, Environmental Awareness Officer at Galway City Council.

“It’s very much a community-led approach whereby Galway City Council liaise with local residents, schools, libraries, community centres and youth groups to ascertain how they would like these laneways to be improved,” he said.

“If we can get buy in from the start and create a sense of ownership from the locals and importantly the young people; then we hope it will pay dividends with a reduction in littering, dumping, graffiti and enhanced nature.”

On Saturday 9 October at 1pm, members of the community are invited to the official opening day by the Mayor of Galway City, Cllr Colette Connolly at the Rocky Road laneway.

Galway City Council says this will be a great opportunity to witness the great work done by locals, along with some music and light refreshments.

“The day is a chance for local residents to come together as a community. The John Coogan Park Residents’ Association have helped transform this somewhat dull and unstimulating space into something the whole community can be proud of,” added Tiarnan McCusker.

“Edible planting, bee friendly flowers and colourful murals have created a much more pleasant environment for everyone.”