Warning notices go back up at two city beaches

Galway Daily news Swimming ban at Ballyloughane Beach due to E. Coli

Prior Warning notices have been put back up at Ballyloughane and Grattan beaches in Galway City ahead of bad weather forecast for this weekend.

The city council is warning people swimming at either beach of possible bacterial contamination due to “forecasted increased rainfall and possible activation of storm overflow.”

Galway is forecast to get heavy rain on Satuday, which will slack of somewhat on Sunday but persist into next week.

A Status Yellow weather warning for high winds has also been issued for Galway by Met Eireann, which will be in force from 9am to 8pm tomorrow.

These Prior Warning notices are expected be in force from Saturday through to Monday.

This is the second weekend in a row that these two beaches have had warnings like these in place.

They were erected at Ballyloughane and Grattan on Friday of last week as bad weather was also expected then.

Galway and much of the country were indeed battered by heavy rain and thunderstorms on Sunday and Monday.

However the notices came down last Wednesday after water sampling tests came back showing “excellent” water quality.

An update on these fresh warnings will be provided by the city council on Wednesday of next week after the results of water quality tests are returned.

In the meantime, anyone using either of these two beaches is advised to:

  • Avoid swallowing or splashing water
  • Wash your hands before handling food
  • Avoid swimming with an open cut or wound
  • Avoid swimming if you are pregnant or have a weakened immune system.