Plans submitted for 62 hectare solar farm outside Tuam

Galway Daily news perovskite solar panels

Plans have been submitted to Galway County Council for the construction of a 62 hectare solar farm just outside of Tuam.

The planning application, which is currently at the pre-validation stage, seeks a ten year permission for development on the site.

The proposed solar farm would be on land in the townlands of Cloontoa, Rinkippeen, Cloonacragh, Barnacurragh and Ballykeaghra.

Tuam Energy Park Ltd intends to build an approximately 62.6ha solar farm consisting of photovoltaic panels on ground mounted frames.

Other work involved in the project would include building 20 single storey MV substations, 3 single storey customer substations, a single storey spares building, security fencing, track access, and other ancillary site works.

The plans were submitted to Galway County Council on June 23 of this year, and public submissions related to this development can be made until July 27.

The council is currently due to make a decision on the application by August 17 of 2020.