Planning permission extended for proposed solar farm near Portumna

Galway Daily news perovskite solar panels

More time has been granted to planning permission for a proposed solar farm to be located north of Portumna.

An extension of duration to planning permission was sought by HTS Source Renewable Partners Ltd for the planned 5MW solar farm in the townland of Longford.

Galway County Council first gave its approval to this project on May 29 of 2017, and without work commencing, this is due to expire by the same date in 2022.

The EOD application stated that the lack of progress in beginning the project has been due to delays by the ESB in awarding a grid connection, and that no substantial works will be carried out on site by the time permission expires.

It is currently estimated that development will commence by Q1 of 2024, or sooner subject to ESB agreements, with a view towards finishing in Q4 of the same year or earlier, again based on ESB agreements.

The solar farm itself will consist of rows of photovoltaic panels mounted on frames and orientated to the south in order to maximise the benefit from the sun while fixed in place.

The 11.78ha site consists predominantly of two large fields, with access proposed from the L-4302 road.

Other works associated with the solar farm will include building two electricity control buildings, underground cabling and ducting, and boundary fencing with security cameras.

When completed, the solar farm will have a maximum export capacity of 5MW of renewable electricity.