Helping to safeguard Galway’s rivers

Galway Daily news Helping to safeguard Galway's rivers

Galway City has often been described as a city defined by its waterways, and an online public meeting this week will give city residents an opportunity to have their say about the future of Galway’s canals and rivers.

Galway City Community Network and Local Authority Waters Programme are hosting a zoom meeting to discuss the draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2022-2027, and its implications for Galway.

This plan is currently in the later stages of being prepared, with objectives such as environmental improvements, water quality, and programme of measures to be delivered during a river basin planning cycle.

The meeting will take place this Thursday, January 27 via Zoom at 6pm, for which people can register online here.

Jacinta Fay, GCCN Co-Ordinator said “We welcome the opportunity to co-host this meeting and hear from the community in Galway City on the issue of water quality in our rivers, lakes, estuaries and seas.”

“It is a concern that the water quality in almost half of water courses is poor and action is needed to restore and protect our ecosystems.”

“It is important for as many diverse voices to come together in our aim to help protect Ireland’s drinking water sources, environment and communities”.

The meeting will involve the LAWPRO providing information on the national draft Plan, and the public consultation process currently in place for this, including a short online survey.

The public consultation period for the draft River Basin Management Plan closes on March 31 this year.

At the end of this consultation period, the LAWPRO will collect all submissions to produce a report for the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage.

Conor Ruane, Community Water Officer with LAWPRO said that Galway is a city which is shaped by water, and that urgent action is needed to arrest a decline in water quality in Ireland in recent years, and repair the damage done so far.

“Achieving this will deliver multiple benefits for water, climate, biodiversity, jobs, and communities. There will be a questions and answers session and time for discussion on local issues.”

“This is your chance to have your say and to put forward your views on what needs to get done to help the waterbodies in Galway City and nationally”.