Galway County Council announces 32 recipients of €762,000 Community Climate Action Fund

Pictured at the announcement of allocations under the Community Climate Action Fund (left to right): Tina Ryan, Climate Action Co-ordinator; Uinsinn Finn, Director of Services; Maria Hannigan, Kinvara Tidy Towns; Jackie Carroll, Director of Services; Cathaoirleach Albert Dolan; Liam Conneally, Chief Executive; Rebecca Mooney, Climate Action Officer; Brent Mostert, Architect; and Denise Feeney, Community Climate Action Officer. Photo: Boyd Challenger

Solar panels on Ballinasloe Town Hall Theatre, news water refill stations in Kilcolgan, a bicycle shelter at Claregalway GAA and the creation of a community orchard and community growing initiative on The Aran Islands are among 32 community-based projects being funded under the Community Climate Action Fund.

Today, Galway County Council announced the allocation of €762,000 under the government-funded scheme for communities and not-for-profit organisations interested in developing projects and initiatives focusing on addressing climate change.

Councillor Albert Dolan, Cathaoirleach of the County of Galway, said, “The projects funded under this scheme will help to build a stronger, more resilient county.”

“The level of interest shown in the Fund is [a[ testament to the community-led sustainability efforts that are ongoing throughout County Galway.”

The funding allocated in County Galway will support small (up to €20,000), medium (€21,000-€50,000), and large-scale (€51,000-€100,000) community climate action projects.

The projects must fall into one or more of five key theme areas, namely community energy, travel, food and waste, shopping and recycling, and local climate and environmental action.

Welcoming the announcement, Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan said, “I am delighted to support these vital local projects under the Community Climate Action Programme, a landmark fund which is making €24 million available to climate action projects across Ireland, alongside a €3 million contribution from the government’s Shared Island Fund.”

“Communities and Local Authorities know best the climate actions that work for their area and can deliver the most effective climate solutions on the ground.”

“I look forward to seeing the transformative effect these projects will have not only in tackling climate change, but in making our cities, towns and villages better places to live and work,” added the Minister.

“A key aim of the Climate Action Team over the past 12 months has been to garner interest amongst community groups and not-for-profit organisations in this funding programme,” explained Denise Feeney, Community Climate Action Officer for Galway County Council.

“Staff from the Environment section of Galway County Council hosted information events at various locations throughout the county, which resulted in significant interest in the Fund being received.”

“The breadth and quality of the projects selected for funding is indicative of the real and positive difference communities across County Galway are making to tackle climate change.”

County Galway allocations under the Community Climate Action Fund:

  • €61,745: Maree Community Centre – Energy upgrade to building, 2 bike shelters & racks and 1 repair station (for public use), 3 water filling stations (for public use), ground works for installation of 3 water fountains.
  • €50,388: Roundstone Community Development Council – LED lighting, solar panels, replacement of water heaters.
  • €45,195: Kilcolgan Community Development in partnership with Clarinbridge Tidy Towns and Clarinbridge Community Playground – 2 bicycle shelters and 3 water refilling stations.
  • €43,329: Comhar Chuigéal Teo – Solar PV and battery storage installation at community centre, construction of community garden, native trees and plants.
  • €40,693 – Comhairle Ceantar na nOileán Teo, Leitir Móir – Solar panels for Hall Pobal Tír an Fhia, 4-bay bike stand comhairle ceantar and 9 bay bike stand low carbon centre Casla, paint reuse project low carbon centre Casla, tools to establish WEEE Repair centre, Tool Library Project for Casla centre.
  • €39,759 – Inishbofin Development Co Ltd – Retrofit community buildings with doors and windows, install automatic water taps, dual flush toilets, enhance energy efficiency, bike racks, movable combi-freezer, dune fencing, hedging.
  • €38,268: Colga FC / Colga For Community Development (CFCD), Clarinbridge – 30.4kw Solar panel installation.
  • €35,950: Sportlann Naomh Anna, Lettermore – Installation of Solar Panels.
  • €35,034: Ballygar and District Co Ltd/ Mattie McDonagh Centre – Solar panels for hall, new fridge for centre used by meals on wheels and other groups, 3-space cycle rack, composters, 3 ecofill water stations, 8 recycled plastic planters, 15 apple trees, 2 water butts.
  • €32,000: Amicitia Biodiversity Park, Athenry – Landscaping works including accessible pathways, Z1 Ponds, compost toilet, raised beds, secure shed.
  • €31,570: Cairde Mor Ltd in partnership with Claregalway GAA – Installation of 67 solar panels on community centre, manufacture and installation of bike shelter.
  • €31,351: Ballyglunin Community Development Company – Windows, doors, insulation, infrared heater draughters, pollinator project.
  • €30,232: Lackagh Museum & Community Development Association – Replace existing fluorescent lighting with LED office lights, solar panels on rear roof of parish centre, install 6-space cycle rack, install public bike repair station, polytunnel as part of community garden, steel toolshed in community garden, Water refill station.
  • €25,516: Forbairt Chonamara Láir Teo, Letterfrack (Central Connemara Development Ltd.) – LED community lighting upgrade.
  • €24,597: Carnmore Hurling Club – Supply and Install 13 LED Twin Corrosion Proof Fittings, 2 LED Corrosion Proof fitting, LED lights.
  • €23,355 – Annaghdown GAA Climate Action Programme – Solar Panels and related equipment, bike shelter.
  • €19,918: Ballinderreen Community Centre – Solar Panels, Walkways or Safe Routes to Schools/ Active Travel, Cycleways or cycle parking, Community Carpooling Scheme / Parking Spaces, water filling stations, recycling initiatives and facilities, pollinator project, retrofitting community buildings.
  • €18,160: East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Ltd, Ballinasloe – Installation of Solar Panels.
  • €17,707: Ballinasloe Town Hall Theatre – Installation of Solar Panels
  • €17,566: Aran Islands Climate Action – Solar PV installation, Community Orchard/ Community growing initiative, beach toy libraries, Water filling station.
  • €17,254: Kinvara Tidy Towns – 2 bike racks, water refill station connection, coffee refill stations, tool loan library, biodiversity trail, 2 Rainwater barrels, 2 composters.
  • €13,885: Brigit’s Garden, Moycullen – Installation of anaerobic digester to turn all food waste from the Garden Café into biogas for cooking, installation of rainwater harvesting system that stores rainwater for use in the polytunnel and gardens, electric lawnmower and strimmer.
  • €13,365: Renville Sports Project – Bicycle Parking, Dispersed Orchard Trees in the Community, Fencing & Touchless Water Fountain.
  • €12,078: Oranmore Community Development Association – Community Cargo Bikes, Tree/Bush Planting in and around Oranmore.
  • €10,900: The Mall Theatre & Cinema CLGTuam – Upgrading of facility, including building fabric upgrades, repairs, insulation to attic and refurbishment.
  • €8,000: St Gabriel’s LGFA, Aughrim – Creation of a biodiversity / stream walking trail.
  • €6,694: Dunmore MacHales GAA – Bike Shelter & Carpooling signage.
  • €6,815: Cortoon Lavally Development Committee – Bike repair station, storage units for clothes and bools for swap shops, 20 large planter boxes and living wall troughs.
  • €6,667: Skehana Community Development (SCD) – Bike shelter, Water refill station.
  • €3,500: Abbeyknockmoy Climate Action Fund – 5 Stand Alone Water Refill Stations for installation at 4 Sports & Community Ground.
  • €2,350: CDS Teo Community Centre, Corr na Móna – Community garden.