Galway City recycling centre resuming normal operations

Galway news City recycling centre reopens from Monday

Galway City Recycling Centre will be returning to its normal operating hours from Monday after a period of restricted services upon reopening.

The City Council Civic Amenity Site in Liosbain Industrial Estate reopened on June 10

However for the past month the recycling centre has only been operating three days a week.

From Monday, July 13 the centre will resume operating throughout the week, except on Sundays.

The opening hours of the facility are:

Monday – Thursday: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Friday: 1:30pm – 3pm


Additional signage has been installed to emphasise the one way system and social distancing measures in place.

The city council has emphasised that this is a self-service facility, one that is only for household recycling, and not commercial use.