Afternoon water restrictions likely on Inis Mór as drought continues

galway daily water supply

There is only enough stored rainfall on Inis Mór to last for another two weeks, meaning an afternoon water restriction is likely to come into force if the drought continues.

Irish Water say that although leak repair works have helped with the critical situation, reservoir levels are very concerning.

Water consumption on Inis Oirr and Inis Meain has increased by 30 per cent in the past six weeks and Irish Water is urging its ‘customers’ to increase their efforts to conserve water on all of the Aran Islands.

The new afternoon restrictions will accompany the night-time restrictions on Inis Mór and Inis Oirr which will continue from 8pm to 8am daily.

Demand for water remains high at 580 cubic metres day, meaning the boreholes that supplement supply are now in danger of being exhausted.

 Irish Water’s Corporate Affairs Manager Kate Gannon said: “Our Drought Management team are meeting daily to assess and analyse water demand and consumption levels for every area in the country.

“Met Éireann has forecast that high temperatures will remain for the foreseeable future and this highlights the need for everyone to play their part and conserve water as much as possible, to follow our advice and tips and to comply with the Water Conservation Order.”