Eight digital start-up companies to get €75,000 backing through Galway accelerator.

Galway daily news NDRC hosts open night for local entrepreneurs at the Portershed

NDRC at the Portershed is once again again looking for innovative start-up companies to fund through its accelerator programme.

Places for up to eight digital start-up companies will be available at the accelerator programme which provides seed investment and access to other supports to help a start-up take the next step.

After two successful accelerators, the NDRC is increasing the funding that successful applicants will receive to €75,000.

Of that, €50,000 will be a cash investment in the company, and a further
€25,000 is in programme service costs.

Prior accelerators in 2017 and 2018 saw local start-up companies Appraisee and PlanDomino go on to secure investment offers.

Applications for this year’s accelerator are open until March, with the programme starting in May.

Ben Hurley, CEO of NDRC said that Ireland has a vibrant startup ecosystem that is only getting stronger.

Through programmes like the Portershed accelerator, “we can channel that vibrancy into real commercial progress by bringing our transformative expertise to bear on startups throughout the whole of the country,” he added.

The Portershed, just off Eyre Square, is a vibrant co-working space for the local tech start-up scene.

It currently play homes to 38 companies, with 95 members making use of its state of the art facilities including hot desks for visiting entrepreneurs.

NDRC at PorterShed run in partnership with PorterShed, Galway City Innovation District and Enterprise Ireland.

Maurice O’Gorman, Chairman of the GCID said, “Our vision is to create high quality sustainable jobs to the regional economy and with programmes like NDRC at PorterShed we are in a position to identify, accelerate and launch innovative technologies on to the global market stage.”

Minister for Business, Enterprise, and Innovation Heather Humphreys said that local entrepreneurship “drives regional development, delivers economic and social benefits to regions, and builds strong local communities.”