Online resources for students studying for exams from home

Galway Daily news Leaving and Junior Cert orals cancelled

Schools in Ireland are closed until March 29 at the least amid the coronavirus pandemic, but schools are attempting to keep things as normal as possible, and both junior and leaving cert exams are still expected to go ahead at this time.

Wherever possible schools are attempting to move their teaching online, providing whatever online resources they are equipped so students can be homeschooled and prepare for exams despite the coronavirus outbreak.

The government has said that it is working on contingency plans for the delivery of state examinations this May, however certain oral examinations are being rescheduled.

“This is a very challenging time for our pupils, our teachers, our students and our colleagues in further and higher education,” said Minister for Education Joe McHugh.

“This is a time where we all need to work together for the best possible outcome for our students.”

“The support of everyone across the sector is vital, as we all strive to ensure that this threat is dealt with as effectively as possible.”

Home schooling resources

The online educational resource provider, formerly, is providing its study resources free for the next month to help with homeschooling.

“Students and parents will be anxious that they are not in school and don’t have access to teachers and key study resources,” explained Padraig Ryan at

We want to help our users to avail of our services so there is minimal impact on their studies. We want to ensure the health and wellbeing of our students is not negatively impacted by COVID 19.”

Beyond just resources to help students study on their own, iRevise is also offering a free month of online maths classes with teacher Tom Nolan.

Over 800,000 students avail of the 3,000 plus resources offered by iRevise across all the main subjects at Junior and Leaving Certificate levels.

To avail of these resourced all students have to do is register and use the coupon STUDYHELP when they go to pay and it will provide them with one-month free membership, they can unsubscribe after the month.