Mountbellew Agrictural College wins national Technology Award

Galway Daily news Mountbellew Agrictural College wins national Technology Award

Students from Mountbellew Agricultural College have become the first to take home a prestigious national Technology Award.

The Mountbellew team were crowned the winners in the inaugural National Broadband Ireland sponsored Macra na Feirme Business and Farm Technology Award.

Students in each of the colleges were invited to submit entries on the topic “The Technology I want to deploy on my Farm / Enterprise and Why”.

Entries covered a wide range of farm technologies such as electronic ID (EID) readers, GPS technologies for distribution of fertilisers and systems for grassland management.

The winning group of Emily Mcnally, Sean Quinn, and Brían O’Connor, from Mountbellew, County Galway, presented their project on the application and benefits of handheld EID readers.

“It was refreshing to see the ideas coming out of the up and coming generation of farmers,” said John Keane, Macra na Feirme National President.

“We know young farmers have always been at the forefront of innovation but we were really able to see that from the teams participating in this award.

“Congratulations to Mountbellew on their win and well done to the teams from Gurteen, Kildalton, Ballyhaise and Clonakilty for their submissions.”

The award formed part of the annual “Ag Challenges Day,” that was held on April 27 at Gurteen College, Co. Tipperary and involved Ireland’s seven agricultural colleges, with four of the colleges operated by Teagasc, and three private colleges.

Niall Beirne, Head of Communications at NBI said, “Congratulations to the students from Mountbellew Agricultural College on their success although I would also like to recognise the efforts of all the teams.”

“Mountbellew were very impressive in so far as they understood what problem they were addressing. Their demonstration of the EID reader in conjunction with a clear articulation of the benefits was very comprehensive.”

“It was notable that the students understood that the technology could improve flock management, as well as applying individual animal management.”

“It was clear to the judges that the students understood that this technology could be a very useful tool in decision making and business development.”