Marking of oral exams not finished – Minister for Education

Galway daily news Almost 3,500 Galway students receiving Leaving Cert results

Leaving Cert students’ oral exams are still being marked and that the State Examinations Commission (SEC) “is continuing to monitor the marking process,” Minister for Education Norma Foley has said this evening.

The Minister’s statement comes after a significant numbers of Leaving Certificate students were marked down in their oral exams through no fault of their own.

Some examiners told The Irish Times that key sections of oral exams were left out completely and that it was clear that many instructions had not been followed.

As part of the review of the marking process, Minister Foley said that the SEC will “give its consideration to any actions that may be required.”

She has also requested the SEC to keep her fully informed on the process.

“I am very conscious that students are sitting examinations at present and the reassurance of the SEC is important as it encourages students to continue to concentrate their efforts on the written examinations at this time,” said Minister Foley.