160 educators to attend early years masterclass in Galway today

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An audience of over 160 early years educators will be in attendance at an event today in ATU Galway, focusing on the child-centred Reggio Emilia Approach to education.

Hosted by Early Childhood Ireland and Italy’s world-renowned ‘Reggio Children’, the masterclass is part of a series of events during a week-long study visit to Ireland by Reggio Children delegates.

Early Childhood Ireland’s Milica Atanackovic, Reggio Children’s Claudia Giudici (with translation from Sara Porpora), and ATU’s Dr Rita Melia will host the Galway masterclass.

Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of the celebrated Reggio Emilia Approach, delving into its roots and learning about different models within the approach.

The events were made possible by funds raised on National Pyjama Day last year. Of the €350,000 raised on the day, 130 members of Early Childhood Ireland in counties along the Western seaboard raised almost €60,000.

Today’s masterclass is part of a week-long visit focusing on quality in Early Years education that will also see the Reggio Children representatives meet with stakeholders and policymakers, visit an Irish setting, and host a second masterclass in Dublin on Saturday, May 20.

Milica Atanackovic, Membership, Excellence, and Learning Manager at Early Childhood Ireland, said: “I have had the privilege of visiting Reggio Emilia in Italy several times, and I learn something new every time I go, but what I’ve learned most is – how can you fully understand something constantly reinventing itself.

“I love this approach because it is about continuous professional development.

“These masterclasses will empower our members with the tools, knowledge and experience to continue to provide quality, innovative care and have a huge, positive impact on children in Early Years settings all across Ireland.”

Teresa Heeney, Chief Executive Officer at Early Childhood Ireland, added: “The Reggio Emilia Approach is a world-renowned philosophy to adopt a ‘village-style approach’ to engage children, parents, and the community into the learning process. It is recognised globally for providing children with high-quality learning experiences.

“This approach has the potential to be transformative for the Irish Early Years and School Age Care sector, and it proposes a very different way of delivering quality to young children in settings throughout the country.

“The Reggio Emilia Approach is evidence of the value of constant and continuous investment in early childhood and the importance of investing in educators’ professional learning.”