Educate Together school allowed to retain temporary facilities

Galway daily news Calls for mediator to be appointed in special needs education dispute

Claregalway Educate Together National School has been granted permission to retain its temporary facilities while waiting for the new school to be built.

Educate Together currently makes use of a converted bungalow and two modular buildings for its primary school in Claregalway on land leased from the Department of Education.

A new permanent school facility is under construction opposite the community centre and is hoped to be ready to receive students by October.

In the meantime ET sought permission to retain the converted building, two modular classroom facilities, and an off-site wastewater treatment system.

The school currently operates a Puflow Peat Biofilter wastewater treatment system with the capacity for 200 users.

Claregalway ET National School opened on the Cloonbiggen road in 2005 with just 29 pupils and has grown in the year since to become a bustling school with 151 pupils and 12 staff members.

Educate Together received approval from the Department of Education for a new school building in June of 2018, and the design was ready by February of this year.

The grant of temporary permission from the county council will last for a period of 12 months.

After this expires the structures must be removed unless an additional limited permission has been granted in the meantime.