€3.4 million east Galway group water scheme approved

Galway Daily news Ballyconneelly water outages

The long awaited Group Water Scheme has received final approval from Minister Eoghan Murphy after many many years.

The €3.4 million Group Water Scheme can now go to tender after the Minister approved funding for the project.

The new scheme will connect 238 houses who have never had a public water supply, as well as upgraded and connecting the 18 houses and non-domestic customers on the Kilcooley network.

Galway East Seán Canney said that this is a “landmark day” now that the project can proceed after so many “false starts”.

“A water source has been provided by Cappataggle Group Water Scheme and everything is in place in terms of the design and costings for the project.”

The Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government is providing €3,133,738 for the project, with a local contribution of €299,464.

“Minister Murphy was very familiar with the task at hand, having met the local committee last year at my request.”

Deputy Canney thanked the people of Cappatagle for offering their water supply, as well as the Kilrickle community for their patience.

“When completed, people living in the area will fulfill their right to a clean and safe supply of drinking water.”