€2.7 million funding announced for NUI Galway’s Irish Language School

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€2.7 million in funding has been allocated to NUI Galway’s Irish Language Academy, An tAcadamh.

The allocation will provide €900,000 per year for three academic years, commencing with the 2018/19 academic year.

Speaking from the Acadamh in An Cheathrú Rua, Minister Sean Kyne, said he was delighted to announce the funding of 2.7 million. 

“The funding is guided by a service level agreement between my department, the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge which was established in 2004. 

“The Acadamh operates from NUIG’s main campus in Galway and three centres in the Gaeltacht – An Cheathrú Rua and Carna in Connemara and Gaoth Dobhair in Donegal.

“It plays a vital role in developing and provided higher education through Irish including the provision of courses and classes for Irish language learners of all levels and of all ages, said Minister Kyne.

The Acadamh is a centre of learning for more than 2,000 people each year including students undertaking third level courses through Irish, students training to become primary and secondary teachers, students studying for the Diploma sa Ghaeilge as well as international students. 

It also conducts research on ways to promote and preserve the Irish language, in particular in Gaeltacht communities, and also plays a role in the language planning process. 

Minister Kyne continued: “The contribution of the Acadamh to the local economy is significant with direct employment for approximately 80 people, including 35 in Connemara, as well as the boost that students bring, especially those on residential courses. 

“This funding from my department, which fulfils objectives of the Government’s Action Plan for the Irish Language, will help the Acadamh continue its work which is so vital to An Ghaeilge and the Gaeltacht.”