Deadline nears for youth groups to avail of grant for European Youth Week events

european youth week galway daily

Youth groups in County Galway are being offered up to €300 to host an event as part of European Youth Week taking place from 29 April – 5 May.

The grants are being offered by Léargas, Ireland’s agency for international collaboration and exchange programmes, and the deadline for applications is tomorrow, 15 April.

The theme of the week is ‘Democracy and Me’ and events should explore the ways young people can influence decisions and be active in society.

Events in Galway will be part of a programme of over 1,000 grassroots activities taking place across Europe during Youth Week.

Commenting on the week, Carmel Walsh, Senior Client Services Officer with Léargas said: “With the local and European elections taking place at the end of May, it’s a perfect time to encourage young people to participate in the democratic process and make their voices heard.

“Under the theme ‘Democracy and me’ youth groups can hold events like mock elections, debates on issues of importance to young people, or invite election candidates to visit their group.”

To apply, youth organisations must be already involved in Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps.

Groups can apply online at All successful groups will receive resources to help them host the event including a European Youth Week Pack.