Deadline extended for Portumna Streetscape Enhancement applications

Deadline extended for Portumna Streetscape Enhancement applications

The deadline has been extended for applications to the Portumna Streetscape Enhancement programme to next Monday.

Last December Portumna was allocated €100,000 under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme for improvements to shopfronts, building facades, and other streetscape improvements.

The scheme aims to bring life to the town centre through planting at entrances and terraces, repainting buildings and shopfronts, murals, replacing signs, new lighting, and canopies or awanings.

The closing date for applications to the scheme is now Monday, May 15 next week.

The maximum of amount of grant aid available is 80% of the verifiable costs of any given project, or €3,500 for planting, painting, repairs and murals; or €4,000 for lighting, signage, or canopies.

For projects that combine multiple improvements to the streetscape, up to €8,000 in grant funding is available.

Eligible applicants are tenants or owners of commercial, residential or unoccupied buildings in the town/village centres locations as defined in the scheme boundary map.

Applications to the scheme can be made online or by sending a scanned email of the form to