Darkness Into Light Galway needs your help


‘Darkness Into Light’ Galway have reached out on Facebook for the return of the balloon pole which was located at the start/finish line on Saturday morning.

The ‘Darkness Into Light’ Galway team have issued a plea on Facebook this morning looking for the return of the balloon pole which was located at the start/finish linen of the walk outside Leisureland in Salthill.

Unfortunately our balloon pole at the start/finish line has gone missing. It was on rental from a local company and is quite difficult to replace 🙁

Looking for it’s safe return – NO QUESTIONS ASKED – can be dropped off to Claddagh Celtic Jewelry opposite Jury’s Inn or send a pm to this page.

Darkness Into Light Galway had an amazing turnout of 10,000 people in the early hours of Saturday Morning and raised a huge sum to the value of €200k yet they’ve unfortunately lost the balloon poles.

Darkness Into Light Galway walk/run had then entire community come together trying to break the stigma and fight against suicide.

A plea has been made that the community unite together once more to try and locate the balloon poles which are missing.

If anyone has any information regarding to the whereabouts of the balloon poles, don’t hesitate to pm the Darkness Into Light Galway Facebook page. The balloon pole itself can be dropped into Claddagh Celtic Jewellry opposite Jury’s Inn.