Dangerous Galway road needs safety barriers as a ‘matter of urgency’

safety barriers bog road galway daily

Transport Infrastructure Ireland has been urged to install safety barriers on a section of the N65 near Kilmeen Cross as a ‘matter of urgency’.

A representative from Transport Infrastructure Ireland examined the section of the N65 near Kilmeen Cross, known locally as the Bog Road, two months ago.

They committed to seeking funding for safety barriers, but Minister Ciaran Cannon said he is concerned that nothing has happened since that time.

Minister Cannon said that these barriers are vital in the event of an accident or if a motorist’s vehicle skids in adverse weather conditions as they will prevent the vehicle from veering down or overturning into an incline.

The Fine Gael TD said: “This is all the more relevant with the section of the N65 near Kilmeen Cross as it is accompanied on each side by a drop of some feet.

“I’m quite concerned therefore that nothing has happened since that time which would indicate that these barriers are to be installed soon and I am calling on TII to address the issue and install these barriers as a matter of urgency.”

The Minister said that one of the principal messages from the ‘Be Winter Ready’ information campaign highlights the need for motorists to take every care on the road, especially in icy conditions.

“We need these barriers installed on this section of the N65 without delay to ensure the highest level of safety for those driving on it,” he added.