Speeding driver caught doing 148km/h in 80km/h zone in Galway among 3,000 caught over Bank Holiday

galway daily news Galway driver among worst speeding offences caught over Bank Holiday weekend

A driver caught speeding in Galway over the course of the Bank Holiday weekend was doing 148km/h in an 80km/h zone.

The speeding driver was detected doing nearly twice the legal limit on the R339 at Glenrevagh, Oranmore during the Bank Holiday weekend traffic operation.

Throughout the weekend, almost 3,000 drivers were detected speeding around the country.

An extensive Garda Roads Policing Operation was in place between 7am on Thursday, February 1 through to 7am Tuesday, February 6.

There were two fatalities on our roads during this period and 11 serious collisions took place that resulted in 12 people receiving serious and life-threatening injuries.

Chief Superintendent Jane Humphries said, “Gardaí working nationwide over the Bank Holiday Weekend received good support from the public and we really hope that this continues as it helps us to keep road users safe.”

“Enforcing road traffic laws is core element of road safety and so too is our work to raise awareness among all ages.”

“We all have a personal responsibility to prevent road fatalities and serious injury road traffic collisions, and we must work together.”

Over this Bank Holiday period, An Garda Síochána carried out over 898 Mandatory Intoxicant Testing (MIT) checkpoints.

Over 4,780 roadside drug and alcohol tests were conducted which led to 161 arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

More than 15% of these arrests occurred between the hours of 6am-2pm.