Gardaí urge boat owners take precautions after engines stolen

Galway Daily news Gardaí urge boat owners take precautions after theft of engines

Gardaí in Galway are urging boat owners to take safety precautions after the alleged theft of two boat engines in Connemara in recent weeks.

Clifden Gardaí are investigating the two alleged thefts of boat engines from the Leenane area which took place in June and July.

The first incidenet involved the theft of a Yamaha longshaft boat engine from Leenane between 6pm on June 22, and 8am on June 23, 2020.

The second theft took place between 4.30pm on July 24, and 9am on July 25, 2020, and also involved a black Yamaha boat engine.

Sergeant Michael Walsh, Garda Crime Prevention Officer for Galway, said that boat owners should try to protect their property by making them more challenging, and less attractive targets for thieves.

One suggestion the sergeant made was that, where possible, boat engines should simply be removed after use and brought home with the owner.

“I appreciate this is not always possible given both the weight of the engine and its proximity to transport based on your mooring location; but if removed it obviously provides the best security for your engine.”

Other security suggestions included locking your boat engine to a secure mooring point, removing the plastic cover to make it a less attractive target, or installing a GPS tracking system on the engine.

“These trackers can be set to instantly message your mobile phone if your engine moves,” Sergeant Walsh said.

“Obviously CCTV and other more costly surveillance systems can be adopted, and perhaps angling clubs may look at these options going forward.”

“Be aware that boat engine thieves don’t always come by road and may approach from the water by boat themselves, especially during the hours of darkness.”

Gardaí are appealing to the public for information in relation to these two thefts.

Anyone who may have been in the Leenane area in the vicinity of Killary Harbour on those dates and who may have noticed unusual activity or who may have video footage from the dates in question is asked to make contact with Gardaí in Clifden on 095 22500.

Contact can also be made in confidence through the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111, or with any Garda Station.