Galway Gardaí catch speeding driver doing 181km/hr on M6

Galway Daily news Galway Gardaí catch speeding driver 181km/hr on M6

Galway Gardaí caught a speeding driver doing more than 60km/hr over the limit on the M6 motorway earlier this morning.

The Galway Garda Roads Policing Unit clocked a car doing 181km/hr on the motorway and pulled it over for speeding.

Court proceedings will follow for the offending driver.

The top speed limit anywhere on the M6 between Dublin and Galway is 120km/hr.

Gardaí and the Road Safety Authority have both expressed concern about the fact that road deaths are up 9 percent in Ireland this year.

There were 60 deaths on Irish roads up to May 27 of this year in 56 fatal collisions, up from 55 killed in 48 collisions in the same period last year.