Galway driver doing 108km/h in a 80km/h zone among hundreds caught by Gardaí

galway daily news Galway driver among worst speeding offences caught over Bank Holiday weekend

More than 600 drivers were caught speeding during a 24hr National Slow Down Day traffic operation by An Garda Síochána which came to an end this morning.

Between 7am Friday and 7am Saturday there were 630 motorists detected speeding on Irish roads.

Of those detections, 281 drivers were intercepted by Gardaí for driving over the speed limit.

One of the worst offenders detected was a driver doing 108km/h in a 80km/h zone on the N6, Baile An Phoill, Gaillimh.

“While this is a welcome reduction on detection rates during previous National Slow Down Days and An Garda Síochána appreciates the public’s role in this, we continue to ask that drivers are mindful of the need to slow down, especially over the busy Christmas period,” a Garda spokesperson said.

To date, 168 people have lost their lives in road traffic collisions on Irish roads.

An Garda Síochána is carrying out a nationwide traffic enforcement operation over the Christmas and New Year’s period up to January 6.