Galway driver among worst speeding offences caught over Easter Bank Holiday

galway daily news Galway driver among worst speeding offences caught over Bank Holiday weekend

A driver caught doing 124km/h in an 80km/h zone on the R458 at Kilcolgan was one of the worst offenders caught over the Easter traffic operation.

Throughout the Easter Bank Holiday weekend more than 2,630 drivers were detected for speeding offences.

An extensive Garda Roads Policing Operation was in place between 7am on Thursday, March 28 to 7am Tuesday, April 2.

There were three fatalities on our roads during this period and 13 serious collisions took place that resulted in people receiving serious and life-threatening injuries.

Since January 1, 2024, 58 people have been killed on Irish roads – 16 more lives lost in road traffic collisions than this time last year.

Over this Bank Holiday period, An Garda Síochána carried out more than 1,070 Mandatory Intoxicant Testing (MIT) checkpoints.

Over 5,000 roadside drug and alcohol tests were conducted which led to 177 arrests for driving under the influence of an intoxicant. Over a quarter of these arrests occurred between 8am and 2pm.

ixed Charge Offences for other road offences during this period included:

• Using Mobile Phones – more than 220
• No seatbelts – 77

Chief Superintendent, Jane Humphries of the Garda National Roads Policing Bureau said, “The past weekend was another very busy period on Irish roads, and a lot of people will be on the move again this week with many schools off for the midterm break.”

“Gardaí nationwide continue do all that they can to ensure that road users are safe and that those who break road traffic laws are detected, but the issues on our roads at present require the attention of every single person.”

“Every driver is responsible for their own driving behaviour – there is no excuse whatsoever to get behind the wheel of a car under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.”

“Keep your eyes always on the road – there is no valid reason to drive while distracted by your phone and that includes swiping on apps or paying attention to a map on your device.”

“We are seeing some extremely dangerous driving behaviour that must be stopped. Slow down. Be patient and be mindful of your actions while in control of the vehicle you’re driving. Responsible driving habits keep yourself and other road users safe. It is as simple as that.”