City Cllr calls for dedicated Garda unit to tackle anti-social behaviour

galway daily news Further arrests made in connection with car park brawl

A Galway City Councillor is calling for the creation of a dedicated Garda unit to tackle anti-social behaviour in the city.

Councillor Alan Cheevers is asking for the establishment of a new “street crime” unit to tackle anti-social behaviour, begging, and drug use in public areas.

This could involve gardaí on foot and bike patrols deployed to hotspots across the city he has proposed.

“The deployment of this unit would be welcomed by businesses and give a safer environment within the City Centre,” Cllr Cheevers said.

“But also it would be welcomed in housing estates within the city were there has been a steady increase in anti social behavior over the last numbers of months .

The Fianna Fáil cllr, who is currently a member of the Joint Policing Committee, said that he will be bringing this proposal to Chief Superintendent Tom Curly at its next meeting.

The Galway City JPC will be holding its next meeting on Monday, June 22 via Zoom.

“I believe people deserve to live in peace and harmony and there is a minority that is causing anti social behavior and must be held accountable and I believe this designated Garda unit could work some way toward this.”