COVID stats for Galway & Ireland

galway daily covid-19 coronavirus stats galway facts


There have been 28,036 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland.

In Galway, 517 cases have been confirmed.

The median age of these cases is 38.

This is the lowest median age of confirmed cases of any county in the State.

The median age of cases in the Republic is 46.


1,525 people have died from COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland.

There are also 251 ‘probable’ deaths linked to the virus.

These probable deaths are included in the “COVID related deaths” reported every evening after NPHET’s update.

Eleven people have died from the disease in Galway since the start of the pandemic.

The median age of the 11 people in Galway who have died is 83.

There have been no reported deaths from COVID-19 in Galway for seven weeks. There were 28 new confirmed cases in the county during this time (since 17 July).*

Sixty-five percent of all COVID deaths in the State have been in the 80+ age group.

In the Republic, 17 people aged between 25 and 44 have died from the disease.

94 people between 45 and 64 years have died.


An outbreak is defined as two or more cases in the same location and time. 

Nursing Homes account for 41% of all confirmed cases related to an outbreak. In late April, this figure was 49%.

Hospitals, residential institutions and nursing homes account for 57% of all cases linked to an outbreak.

The workplace now accounts for 12% of COVID cases related to an outbreak – up from 3% in mid-April.

Underlying conditions

Ninety-five percent of confirmed COVID-19 deaths had at least one underlying condition.

Of the 111 deaths in the Republic within the 25 – 64 age group, 103 had underlying conditions.

Chronic heart disease was present in 45% of all COVID-19 deaths.

There have been 1,449 deaths of people with underlying conditions from 10,571 confirmed cases with underlying conditions.

The median age of those dying with underlying conditions is 83.


There are seven people with COVID-19 in ICU in the Republic of Ireland. In total, there are 40 confirmed cases in hospital.

Two people were discharged from hospital since yesterday, while one more person entered ICU.

One person was admitted to hospital with COVID-19 in the last 24 hours.

Less than five people have been admitted to ICU every week for the past 15 weeks.

Excess mortality

Excess mortality is used to refer to the number of deaths above and beyond what would be expected under normal conditions.

Between 1 March and 31 July, there were between 850 and 900 excess deaths, according to CSO analysis of death notices.

NPHET recorded 1,763 coronavirus related deaths during this time period.

*Stats taken from the Central Statistics Office. Data included from cases and deaths between 28 February and  21 August. There has been one further death since the publication of this data. The figures for total confirmed cases &  confirmed cases in Galway are taken from the NPHET statement on 3 September, and ICU & hospital figures are up to date (19:30h, 3 September 2020).