POLL: When (if ever) should government bring in new national lockdown?


This week, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly sparked fear across the country.

He said that Ireland was close to another national lockdown because we are at “a tipping point”.

But the most health authorities want to avoid this. Dr Cillian de Gascun, the chairman of the National Public Health Expert Team (NPHET) advisory group, said a lockdown would be avoided “if at all possible”.

Positive test results are rising, and we have had slightly more cases per 100,000 people in the last 2 weeks than Sweden.

Despite this, just two people have sadly lost their lives to the illness in the past week and the number of people in hospital and ICU is not overwhelming the system.

Yesterday, 80% of new cases were under 45 years of age.

Daily cases in Ireland
Daily deaths in Ireland

In Spain, the number of daily cases is higher now than at the height of the country’s strict lockdown, but the number of deaths and hospitalisations hasn’t risen alongside the cases.

Daily cases, Spain


Daily deaths in Spain

So, when (if ever) should the government bring in stay-at-home restrictions again?

Have your say below. We will publish the results of this poll on Sunday, 30 August at 8pm.

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