Just one COVID patient in the ICU in Galway


There is just one confirmed case of COVID-19 in Galway where the patient has been admitted to the ICU for treatment.

The most recent figures from the HSE show that one COVID-19 patient at University Hospital Galway is in the intensive care unit there.

Overall there were 13 confirmed cases in Galway’s hospitals as of Sunday night, 12 at UHG and one at Portiuncula Hospital.

There were 327 patients hospitalised nationwide, with 60 of them being treated in intensive care units.

University Hospital Limerick has the highest number of cases in the country, still dealing with 45 patients, followed by 33 at Tallaght, and 25 each in Drogheda and the Mater.

There were a further 1,051 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in Ireland on Sunday by health officials.

A total of 7,231,598 doses of vaccine have been administered, with 3,691,861 people fully vaccinated.