Decrease in COVID patients hospitalised in Galway


The number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 at Galway’s public hospitals has decreased by four in the latest HSE data.

A total of 31 confirmed cases are hospitalised in Galway – with both University Hospital Galway and Portiuncula Hospital in Ballinasloe recording a decrease of two COVID patients in 24 hours.

Of the confirmed hospitalised cases in Galway, 20 are receiving care at UHG, and the remaining 11 COVID patients are at Portiuncula Hospital, according to data taken on Tuesday at 8pm.

Five of the confirmed cases are in intensive care units – three at UHG and two at Portiuncula.

Speaking yesterday after 4,407 new cases were reported, Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said that there have been almost 55,000 cases in the State over the past fortnight.

“The only time we have had more cases in a 14-day period was in January this year, and, unfortunately, we do expect this figure to increase in the coming days.”

He said that this level of cases is “unsustainable” and that everyone should act as though they are close contacts, with a high risk of transmitting the virus.