COVID-19: Just 10 ICU patients in Galway hospitals

Galway Daily news

The number of COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU in Galway’s hospitals has fallen to 10 in the latest figures, down to less than half the peak figures in January.

As of 8pm on Thursday there were 8 confirmed COVID-19 cases at UHG’s Intensive Care Unit, with another 2 at Portiuncula.

Both hospitals reported one suspected case each in the ICU for which test results were being awaited yesterday evening.

The overall number of patients hospitalised for COVID-19 in Galway has also continued to fall, with just over 50 at the most recent counting.

University Hospital Galway reported 45 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and Portiuncula Hospital had another six.

Nationwide there were 1,239 people admitted to hospital with the disease as of Thursday evening, of whom 183 were in the ICU.

Tony Canavan, CEO of the Saolta Hospital Group which includes UHG and Portiuncula, recently thanked healthcare staff for the incredible level of patient care and working flexibility they have shown during this surge.

Despite improving hospital figures, Galway has continued to have some of the highest levels of new daily cases in the past week.

Over the past two days Galway has reported 96 cases on Wednesday, and 93 on Thursday, which were the second and third highest numbers seen in the country respectively.

Fortunately, more than 7,900 healthcare staff in the west of Ireland have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while approximately 3,000 have been fully vaccinated.