Coronavirus: Seven deaths reported in Republic, 15 new cases in Galway

Galway Daily news 25 percent drop in COVID cases in Galway hospitals

The Department of Health has reported 482 new cases of COVID-19 in the State today as well as seven further deaths.

Fifteen new cases of the disease were confirmed in Galway, while there were 128 new cases in Dublin, 45 in Cork and 43 in Waterford.

Of the additional cases reported today, 61% were under the age of 45 while the median age was 35.

There are four people with COVID-19 at University Hospital Galway according to the latest HSE figures available.

“The increase in case numbers of COVID-19 today is an important reminder of the unpredictable nature of this highly infectious disease,” said Dr Tony Holohan this evening.

“The hard work undertaken by all of us over the last three weeks is to be commended, but we must not allow our success to date let us drop our guard against the spread of this disease.

“We need to hold firm to the public health advice: keep 2 metre distance, wash our hands, wear face coverings where appropriate and limit ourselves to essential contacts from our own household.

“If we can keep up high levels of compliance, we can get to where we need to be on the 1st December.”