Coronavirus: 8 new cases in Galway & 484 across Republic

Galway Daily news Galway hospitals see COVID cases double in recent weeks

The Department of Health has reported 484 new cases of Covid-19 and three further deaths related to the disease.

Of the new cases reported today, eight are in Galway, while 150 are in Dublin, 45 in Wexford, 40 in Cork, 32 in Donegal and 29 in Limerick.

There are six people with Covid-19 at UHG and one at Portiuncula hospital, according to the latest HSE data.

Speaking this evening, Dr Tony Holohan said: “We are now getting reports of substantial outbreaks in social settings, workplace settings, Christmas parties and funerals.

“I cannot stress enough how important it is to limit your interactions now.”