Coronavirus: 35 new confirmed cases in Galway

Galway Daily news Galway hospitals see COVID cases double in recent weeks

The Department of Heath has reported 611 new cases of Covid-19 today, as well as five further deaths related to the disease.

Thirty-five of today’s reported cases are in Galway, while 218 are in Dublin, 63 in Cork and 60 in Donegal.

Of today’s reported cases, 59% are under 45 years of age and 50% are confirmed to be associated with outbreaks or are close contacts of a confirmed case.

The five deaths reported today by health officials have occurred since 1 October.

“All key indicators of the disease have deteriorated further in the three days since the last meeting of NPHET on Sunday 4th October,” said Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer.

“COVID-19 is spreading in our community in a very worrying manner. We have to break these chains of transmission.”

“80 COVID-19 cases were hospitalised in August, 206 in September and 77 so far in October.

“In August, 4 COVID-19 related deaths in total were reported, 34 in September and today on the 7th of October we report 8 COVID-19 related deaths this month.”