Coronavirus: 3 deaths, but no new Galway cases

Galway Daily news Galway hospitals see COVID cases double in recent weeks

The deaths of an additional three people with COVID-19 have been reported to the Department of Health today, along with 11 new coronavirus cases.

There have now been 1,730 deaths due to the coronavirus in the Republic of Ireland, and a total of 25,414 confirmed cases in the state.

But in Galway there have once again been no new cases reported today, with the city and county total remaining at 485 cases.

“WHO analysis has shown the 7-day incidence of COVID-19 in Ireland to be among the lowest in the EU,” said Dr Tony Holohan, adding that this has been due to everyone’s collective efforts.

“However, we are witnessing new outbreaks across various countries as they ease restrictions and this reminds us of two things – the importance of adherence to public health guidelines as we ease restrictions here in Ireland and the importance of continuing to avoid all non-essential travel.”

Statistics from the HPSC show that, as of midnight on Wednesday, 3,293 people have been hospitalised in Ireland due to COVID-19, and 434 needed to be admitted to the ICU.

Of the total number of cases in the state 8,185 have been healthcare workers, and 11,576 cases have been associated with clusters.

Dr Siobhan Ni Bhriain, HSE Integrated Care Lead, said “Although the incidence of the disease is very low in the community at present, we would urge people who develop any respiratory symptoms to contact their GP as soon as possible”.

Today the government has launched its ‘Stay Safe Guidelines booklet’ which contains information on safe behaviours at home, work, on public transport, and in other scenarious.

Ireland is due to enter Phase 3 of ending lockdown restrictions next week, at which point the vast majority of businesses and amenities will be allowed to reopen.

It was announced in advance of that time that face coverings will be mandatory on public transport as capacity is set to increase once again, and people are being advised to wear them in shops and other situations where they cannot practice social distancing.