Coronavirus: 2 COVID-19 deaths, new Galway case reported

Galway Daily news Galway hospitals see COVID cases double in recent weeks

There have been two deaths related to COVID-19 reported in the Republic of Ireland today, along with nine new confirmed cases.

There have now been 1,740 deaths related to the virus in the state, and a total of 25,498 confirmed cases.

There was one new confirmed case of COVID-19 in Galway reported today, bringing the city and county total to 486.

This is the first new case reported in Galway since June 14. Only seven cases in total were confirmed here last month.

Ireland’s two week incidence of COVID-19 is now at less than 3 cases per 100,000 people in the population.

“This is amongst the lowest in Europe and demonstrates that the disease remains suppressed in our communities,” said Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr Ronan Glynn.

“The key to maintaining this status is responsible individual behaviours and avoiding any complacency.”

HIQA has today released a report showing that there has been a 13% increase in deaths between March 11 and June 16 of this year compared with previous years.

“We have consistently recorded and published data on all deaths where a person had COVID-19 or was suspected to have COVID-19,” Ronan Glynn said

“This reporting gives us a robust understanding of the impact of the disease in Ireland and continues to inform our response.”

Statistics measured as of midnight on Wednesday, July 1 show that 3,307 in the republic have been hospitalised due to COVID-19, and 436 of those had to be admitted to the ICU.

There have been 12,678 cases associated with clusters, and 8,219 cases among healthcare workers.