Coronavirus: 1 death and 21 new cases in Ireland

Galway Daily news Galway hospitals see COVID cases double in recent weeks

There has been one death related to the coronavirus reported to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre today, along with 21 new COVID-19 cases.

There have now been 1,749 deaths due to COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland, and a total of 25,698 confirmed cases.

In Galway there were no increase in cases reported today, with the city and county total remaining level at 489.

The Department of Health says that six previously confirmed coronavirus cases have been denotified today.

“The cases which we will report next week have already been seeded, however we have the power to limit the spread and impact of this disease beyond that,” said Dr. Ronan Glynn, Acting Chief Medical Officer.

“The way we do so is through following public health advice, avoiding high risk situations and encouraging our friends and family to do the same.

Pofessor Philip Nolan, Chair of the NPHET Irish Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group, said “Our best estimate of the R-number currently stands at 1.4 but it could be as high as 1.8.”

He added that “We have an opportunity now to maintain suppression of the virus.”

The government decided on Wednesday to push back Phase 4 of the planned roadmap out of the crisis by three weeks.

Measures such as the reopening of all pubs, and an expansion of the size of gatherings allowed, will not now go ahead until August 10.

It will also now be mandatory to wear face coverings while in a shop as well as on public transport.