Breastfeeding support service at UHG goes virtual

galway daily news uhg breastfeeding webinar

The breastfeeding support service at UHG has been redesigned so that it can connect with women virtually during the public health crisis.

The webinars are free and will feature Midwives, a Lactation Specialist Midwife and a Consultant Neonatologist who are available throughout to offer advice. There will also be an opportunity for mums to ask questions to throughout the sessions.

“Breastfeeding is natural but it is a skill that has to be learned and support is crucial when learning new skills,” said Carmel Connolly, Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Parent Education Services.

“Many women find it very helpful to attend a breastfeeding support group before giving birth, to talk to other mothers, ask questions and meet breastfeeding experts.

“We have introduced a breastfeeding webinar to provide that same support and to empower, build confidence, troubleshoot, educate and reduce the social isolation some expectant mothers feel.”

Ms Connolly said that some of the topics addressed during the webinar include the benefits, techniques and challenges of breastfeeding, questions related to breast pumps and links to community breastfeeding support groups.

“Since August, we have hosted two webinars with a total attendance of 115 women.  It has been so encouraging to me to see these women coming together and forming communities during this time of isolation.”

One expectant mother said: “It was wonderful to be able to attend a live interactive antenatal session and have my individual needs addressed during the session.”

Claire Cellarius, Breast Feeding/Lactation Specialist Midwife at UHG added that to be able to continue to provide support to women around breastfeeding virtually is fantastic.

“Breastfeeding gives babies the best start for a healthy life and it protects both mum and baby; its health benefits are undisputed and I would encourage all mums-to-be to consider breastfeeding,” she said.