1,917 people in Galway respond to call for community volunteers

volunteers galway daily covid-19

The fantastic response to the call for volunteers in local communities during the COVID-19 emergency has been praised by government Ministers.

A total of 1,917 people in Galway and 16,957 across the country have registered to volunteer through the I-VOL app since the government called for volunteers to support the community response in March.

East Galway TDs Ciaran Cannon and Seán Canney welcomed the huge number of people who signed up to help so far throughout the crisis through the app.

The volunteers are directly linked by their local Volunteer Centres to local organisations responding to COVID-19, carrying out a wide range of important work – including delivering food and medicines to older people who are self-isolating, and volunteering in COVID test centres.

There are also countless volunteers on the ground, helping out family, friends and neighbours.

Minister Ciaran Cannon expressed his heartfelt appreciation for ‘the invaluable work being carried out by volunteers’ in Galway during the Covid-19 emergency.

“The response to the COVID crisis shows once again what a fantastic resource we have in our volunteers and the wonderful community spirit that prevails here in the county even during these challenging times.”

Minister Sean Canney added: “Volunteers make a vital contribution to Irish society, developing communities as vibrant, inclusive and sustainable places where people want to live.

“This volunteering spirit has been so clearly visible in local communities across the country throughout the COVID-19 crisis.”