County’s local development companies announce new plans

galway daily
Galway’s three local development companies have announced plans for the gradual lifting of restrictions in the new phase in the county’s Covid-19 Community Response.

Throughout the emergency, the companies have been assisting isolated and vulnerable people by providing companionship, distributing public health information, and providing a range Covid-19 initiatives.

The organisations offer services in the county from grocery and medication collection, to meals on wheels and related services.

Speaking on the easing of restrictions, CEO of Galway City Partnership Declan Brassil said: “Our Tús participants have played a huge role in terms of the Covid-19 response to date and now, as our partner organisations have begun to return to work, so too have our participants.

“We are conscious of the challenge ahead and we’re here to support community groups”.

Karen Mannion, CEO of Forum Connemara, echoed those remarks: “Our Rural Social
Scheme participants have been working tirelessly throughout this emergency and are raring to go as we enter a new phase.

“Pitches need to be cut, buildings repaired, and maintenance complete and Forum will continue to respond to the needs of the community.”

Steve Dolan, CEO of Galway Rural Development, explained that a priority for all three will
be health and safety.

“The body of work to be done by RSS, Tús, and CE participants is considerable but it must be done safely,” said Steve.

“Declan, Karen and I have been working closely and we are committed to following best practice in terms of safety for all.”

The three organisations are among 49 Local Development Companies that comprise the Irish Local Development Network CLG.

The range of Community Employment, RSS, Tús, SICAP and other programmes operated by the three organisations provide hundreds of support staff to groups, clubs and organisations right across the county.