Council refuses plans to double height of Gort mobile mast

Galway Daily news Planning refused again for Galway City mobile tower

Galway County Council has refused planning permission for a new mobile broadband mast in Gort that would be double the size of the existing one.

Vodafone Ireland sought planning permission to take down a 15.1m high mast at the Eir Exchange site on Barrack Street, Gort.

In its place they sought to erect a 30m high mobile mast carrying antennae and dishes, along with associated ground equipment, to support wireless data and broadband services.

Eir and Imagine Broadband both submitted letters with the application, stating that they would be interested in co-locating equipment on the new mast to improve their services in the area.

The planning application stated that the existing tower and foundations are not capable of supporting two new operators.

Concerns were raised by the council inspector about the visual impact from a mast of this height in the middle of the town, as well as the view from Gort River Walkway.

In refusing planning permission, the county council said that “notwithstanding the fact that the site is already occupied by a telecommunications support structure”, this proposal would have a “significantly increased” detrimental visual impact on the area.

It would therefore detract from the visual amenity of the area, and be contrary to proper planning and sustainable development.