Council refuses permission for taller mobile tower in Oranmore

Galway Daily news An Bord Pleanála overrules inspector to approve Oranmore mobile mast

Galway County Council has refused planning permission for Vodafone Ireland to replace a telecoms mast in Oranmore with a taller structure.

Vodafone sought approval to replace the existing 15m telecommunications mast, a structure with an overall height of 19m at the Eir Exchange on Main Street, Oranmore.

In its place the mobile and broadband provider wanted to build a 24m high mast for mobile and broadband antennae and dishes, with the overall height of the structure coming to 25.5m.

Vodafone said that the new structure was required to continue improving their coverage in the area, and to accommodate a new service provider, Imagine Broadband, who are seeking a base site in the area.

The county council received seven submissions objecting to this development on the grounds of its location in a residential area, the lack of a technical justification, the design and visual impact it would have.

In refusing planning permission, the county council stated that the “design and overbearing nature” of the mast in such close proximity to homes would “detract from the visual amenity of the area and seriously injure the amenities and endanger the health and safety of persons occupying property in the vicinity.”

It was also highlighted that its proximity to residential dwellings would contravene the county development plan.

“The proposed development would, therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.”