COPE Galway receives over €3,500 from Irish warranty company

galway daily cope galway home warranties donate money

COPE Galway received €3,620 recently after an Irish warranty company donated €1 for house registered with them in the country.

Global Home Warranties – which provides insurance against structural latent defects in houses and commercial buildings – handed over the large check to the local charity at the end of June.

“We chose COPE Galway as our charity partner because we connected with their vision for improved quality of life in a home of your own across all of their services”, said James Reynolds, Business Development Executive.

“Our company takes social responsibility, one of our core values, very seriously and we work with local charities across all regions to help improve lives of our citizens.”

Global Home Warranties partners with housing bodies and county councils across Ireland for social and affordable houses as well as private developers.

“We understand the need to provide housing for the vulnerable members of our society,” added Mr Reynolds. “We strive to ensure each home is safe, secure and comfortable for those who buy or rent them.”

In 2019 COPE Galway worked with 2,984 vulnerable people in Galway. This included 1,189 adults and 433 children affected by homelessness in Galway.

They also worked with 638 individual women and their children who were experiencing domestic abuse, produced and delivered 61,016 meals to older clients and to their services around Galway and worked with 724 older people at risk of isolation.

The organisation also supported 2,938 individuals with food from Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) programme and distributed over 700 school kits.