Coillte Forest Parks open and free as Phase 1 begins

coillte forest galway daily

Coillte’s forest parks will be open and car parks will be free of charge to people within a 5km radius, as Phase 1 of the government’s roadmap to reopen society begins.

However, Coillte stressed that social distancing measures which protect public health and wellbeing must be respected.

“This easing of restrictions will only function if people continue to observe the COVID-19 related Government and HSE advice, including social distancing advice,” said Imelda Hurley, Chief Executive of Coillte.

Coillte thanked the public for all their cooperation during the COVID-19 crisis.

“We all have a part to play and I want to take this opportunity to thank the public for their cooperation so far and ask that they continue to observe social distancing when visiting our forests and forest parks.

“COVID-19 is a crisis unlike any ever experienced before. By holding firm and taking care of ourselves and each other, we will get through this. Coillte will play its part in helping us all to do so,” added Imelda Hurley.

Due to health and safety reasons related to current forest operations, the car park at Donadea Forest Park will remain closed.