Plans lodged for 4MW solar farm in Clifden

Galway Daily news perovskite solar panels

Plans have been submitted for a 4MW solar farm with battery storage facilities at Tooraskeheen, Clifden.

Lir Energy is seeking planning permission for a 201m² solar farm on a 19ha agricultural site.

Other work involved in the project would include installing perimeter fencing, upgrading the existing access road to the site, and facilitating a connection between the solar farm and ESB substation.

The site for the solar farm is currently farm land used for grazing sheep, and will continue in that usage after this development.

A Landscape Assessment report prepared for the developer said that due to natural undulations in the landscape the site won’t be visible from nearby residences or the N59, the closest road.

Similarly, a Glint and Glare report found that no one in the surrounding area would be bothered by hazardous or intrusive glare because of the local topography.

A Natura Impact Statement was included with the planning application which said that the only habitat which would possibly be impacted by the project is the nearby Owenglin river.

To mitigate any risk of impact, the developer proposes to install a sediment trap between the Coillte access road to the site and the river.

Inland Fisheries Ireland noted in a letter to the developer that their primary concern is with preventing sediment laden runoff from getting into the tributary of the Owenglin River or Lough Nambrackkeagh.

The IFI asked that the developer forward them the design for the proposed sediment trap opposite the Coillte road entrance prior to construction.

Galway county council is due to make a decision on this planning application by April 21.