Clarinbridge event on life after a brain injury

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A brain injury can have a massive impact on a person’s life with effects that make their presence felt long after the fact.

Clarinbridge Nursing home are holding an event on “Life Beyond Brain Injury” about what people can do to reclaim their lives after such an injury, and the services that are there to help.

Brain injuries can result from many causes including strokes, road traffic accidents, falls, farm and sports accidents and the need for rehabilitation is the reality in the aftermath of these life changing events.

At this event speakers from the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dublin will go through the recovery process from a brain injury and the need for step-down services that fall in between a hospital stay and being sent home.

Clarenbridge Nursing Home’s Rehabilitation Unit provides important ‘Step-Down’ services for people awaiting a place in the NRH.

Instead of staying in an acute bed in a hospital, they can avail of occupational therapy and physiotherapy with the onsite team.

This is covered by ‘fair deal scheme’ for people who have suffered ABI – acquired brain injuries.
Clarenbridge Nursing Home is part of the Windmill Nursing Group owned by Pat Kennedy and Denis McElligott.

The event will include video presentations compiled recently of residents who have benefitted rehabilitation at NRH and current users of the step-down services in the rehabilitation unit at Clarenbridge Nursing Home.

Kuala Connolly, Director of Nursing at the Home said they were delighted to host the panel from the NRH.

“We have no doubt that this will provide important insights to both family, friends and medical professionals on the rehabilitation journey for patients with acquired brain injuries”

“At our facility we want to give patients the best opportunity to achieve their goals and lead fulfilling lives inspite of their brain injury,” she added.

The Clarinbridge unit specialises in the rehabilitation of acquired brain injury and spinal injury and has its own innovative and dynamic multi-disciplinary team providing a ‘step-down’ service to patients over 18 years and allowing them and their families to begin their journey.

This event is taking place on Friday, May 3 from noon to 2pm at Clarinbridge Nursing Home.

Admission to the ‘Life Beyond Brain Injury’ talk is free, however, pre-registration is recommended. Please log on to Eventbrite to book a place or telephone Nuala on 091 777700 Or email